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2002-02-10 - 1:31

Frozen aqua boogie

Lots on the go, for a change. I just haven't been able to pop online for an update.

For starters, concert plans continue to develop. My Rollins Band tickets arrived in the mail last week, which has me even more psyched about those shows. Three weekends from now, I'll be in Chicago, having what's sure to be an amazing time.

I was already set to hit Toronto two weekends after the Rollins shows, to see Bad Religion with Richard. While scanning the listings, though, I found out that Pinback is in Montreal on the Saturday between those concerts.

Yes, Pinback, the band I've been raving about since she put them on my mix tape; the band whose first CD was on steady rotation over my Christmas break; the band I was mentioning just two entries ago, before I knew that they were touring. So, yeah, that's a very cool surprise.

Oddly enough, another band that was in my recently-arrived CD order is also on tour near me. And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead is in Montreal on March 15th and Toronto on the 16th. Unfortunately, the 16th is the very night that I'm seeing Bad Religion, so it's a long shot that I'll pull that one off. Nonetheless, it's going to be a concert-heavy stretch.

Work has been . . . less fun lately. The boss and I have been entertaining ourselves with arguing, especially on Friday. Monday is an almost guaranteed continuation of conflict. No worries. Things are still getting done. I just wasn't in a good mood at all at the end of the work week and that's unusual.

I came home fairly drained last night and the fact that I was mildly sick didn't help. I actually went to bed around 11:00, woke up at 4:00 AM feeling even worse, and fell back asleep until 10:00. That seems to have helped, since tonight is the first time in a few days that I haven't felt zonked way earlier than usual.

If I hadn't been feeling so out of it, I'd have had something to write here earlier this week. Not only did I have the new concert plans to mention, I also wanted to write about getting downtown for Winterlude.

As it turns out, though, it's just as well that I saved my thoughts until today, since I made a second trip this afternoon. The highlights of Winterlude are the ice and snow sculptures. On Thursday night, I took those in with Aaron and Loralei. Although the warm temperatures earlier that day had done some damage to the ice, it was still fun to get out and see them. Plus, it's always good to break my winter hibernation, for any reason.

Today, I was back, with Greg, Kelly, and Don. I needed to get downtown, anyway, to pick up a book; and I didn't mind having a second look at the sculptures. They look very different in daylight, anyway.

Of course, I had the camera with me both times. (I even remembered to charge the battery all the way today.) I played around with my home page tonight and added a section for the Winterlude pictures. I ended up with a few nice shots, although the sculptures are certainly more impressive in person.

This marks my 400th entry on Diaryland. I was going to have something to say about that; but this entry is cluttered enough. Stick around . . . I'm sure that I'll make it to 500 and I'll get reflective then.


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