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2002-02-13 - 2:03

Like Sting

Since it is past midnight, it is 2.13.02, notable as being Henry Rollins' forty-first birthday and the thirty-second anniversary of the U.K. release of Black Sabbath's debut album. In celebration, you should listen to Black Sabbath (sure to be the best thirty-nine and a half minutes of your day) and the Rollins CD of your choice. Come to think of it, in March, I'll be seeing Hank and Ozzy in concert; so my end of the celebration is covered amply.

Not too much was up today. It was another decent day at work, if a little on the long side. I watched some of the Olympic coverage tonight, for the first time this year. What's this you say? Controversial judging in figure skating? Say it isn't so. Next you'll be telling me that shady dealings have gone on in boxing.

On the plus side, the Canadians who got the silver medals have come across quite well in interviews. The guy even made a good hockey joke tonight. Ultimately, though, it's only figure skating. It's hard to get too upset about that. The only saving grace for that event is that ice dance has come along and made it look respectable in comparison.

So, not too much excitement today; although I always enjoy catching some of the Olympics. At least I was wrong about it being another super cold morning. As it was, it was just wintry enough to be the right setting for a walk in to work with Lost Blues on the headphones. Hopefully, tomorrow will also be decent.


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