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2002-02-15 - 1:28

Not catatonic

My prediction that the boss and I would be fighting this week has been completely false, much to my surprise. Work has been going very well, actually.

My only recent mistake was stopping before I went home last night to see what Dr. J was working on. "You want me to help you with that? I know that stuff fairly well." "Shit, you're right! Why didn't I think of that?! You could be doing all this!" He was so excited by that realization that I had to wait fifteen minutes before he had calmed down enough for me to make my exit. I made up for the delay by stealing his samosas, though, so it evened out. Heh.

Of course, I don't mind helping him with what he was doing. Actually, it's more fun than what I was I was working on for the first half of the week. Plus, I was surprised today while, as part of that work, I was looking through the user guide for our latest product. "Hey, that section seems familiar. Didn't I write that?" I guess that one of the documents that I fired off last fall didn't disappear into a black hole after we were done with it, since it was incorporated into our user guide (in several stretches, word for word). It's always good to see that my work is going somewhere.

Even before heading to work, I was already in a good mood, mainly due to Loralei's silliness this morning. (Silliness that incorporated a Simpsons reference, no less.)

Apart from work, I've mostly been watching the Olympics and playing a fair amount of guitar. I tuned in for the speed skating both nights, to see Catriona Le May Doan take the gold medal. Very cool. I find speed skating to be one of the interesting events (and not just because of the Canadian team's suits). Considering that the last couple of nights included figure skating, curling, and luge, speed skating was the way to go.

Here's my question about the luge: why would someone want seats next to the track? Isn't it the equivalent of setting up a lawn chair next to the highway, except with less traffic? It just doesn't seem like much of a spectator sport.

At any rate, hockey is rolling tomorrow, with Canada vs. Sweden. Oh yes.


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