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2002-02-16 - 0:28


Damn you, Sweden girl, damn you!

In other (more positive) news, I found out that Fishbone is going on an extensive Canadian tour in April. Yes, they will be hitting Ottawa on Tuesday, April 23, so I'm definitely set for that show.

Interestingly enough, they play Halifax the Saturday and Sunday before the Ottawa concert, meaning that I could theoretically fly home for the weekend and see the 'Bone twice.

(But wait, there's more!) Adding to the possibilities, their Toronto appearance is the following Friday. Since I already need to be in Toronto for that Sunday, to see Nick Cave, I could head down early and see them there, as well.

Hmmm . . . decisions, decisions. The Ottawa show is beyond doubt. Going to all four concerts would be a bit of a stretch, wouldn't it? It's bad enough that I'm catching Cave in Toronto on Sunday and in Montreal on Monday, isn't it? Provide some negative reinforcement for me or I'll end up giving up everything else to pursue bands across the country.

(And to think that yesterday, I was implicitly being called an adult. Pshaw. (Otto: "Wow! I've never been called an adult before . . . I've been tried as one, but . . ."))

In conclusion, and in keeping with the theme of adulthood (and the implied maturity that goes with it): damn you, damn you, damn you again, Sweden girl! Wait for the medal round!



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