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2002-02-21 - 2:42

Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck

I have this faint memory of a certain someone from Sweden laughing at me recently for some reason. It seems like it was scant days ago; but I can't quite put my finger on it now.

Perhaps my memories were damaged in my excitement over Canada's victory over Finland tonight. A victory, I might add, that becomes all the sweeter when one realizes that Canada's next opponent will be Belarus, thanks to that hockey-poor nation's victory over . . . oh yes, it was Sweden, wasn't it? It's funny how the mention of that country is almost enough to jog my memory.

Alas, though . . . the cause of that now-distant-seeming laughter is simply not coming back to me. I'm sure that it must have been quite amusing at the time, though.

(Everyone here already knew that I was petty, right? Heheheheh.)


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