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2002-02-26 - 3:39

Cooking eggs

I just noticed that all of Bj�rk's videos are online (on the official site, no less), including her latest, which clearly won't be shown on TV here any time soon. This (admittedly simple) discovery is enough to make me happy.

Maybe I should have sent my Toronto concert review to that site, although I wasn't really satisfied with what I wrote. It took me a while to crank it out and it still didn't feel like it flowed as much as usual.

On the other hand, I did recently hear from one of the members of the young punk outfit District Seven, who seemed happy to add my review to their site. I guess that they had only been doing shows for a little over half a year when Maneesh and I saw them at the Carleton University pub. That was one of the more fun times that I had with Maneesh. Even if he did mangle his leg enough to have me wondering if he'd be able to drive home, I still look back on that night fondly.

I had been wondering what was up with D7, since their web site had disappeared; but it looks like they're doing well. They even have a full length CD in the works for this summer, which is cool, since the older material is apparently out of print, with no plans for reissues. Their tour schedule keeps working out poorly for me; but hopefully, I'll catch them live again this year.

Okay, seeing as how it's 3:30, I'll wrap this one up. Even given how late I sleep in, this is pushing it. The only reason I popped into Diaryland instead of crashing ten minutes ago was because I was waiting for something to finish for work.

(Yes, I work at odd times, especially, since I can do the current part of my job from home. I actually stuck around 'til 9:30 tonight, which was long enough for me, even if I didn't show up until 11:00. Ah well. I'm also taking Friday off for the Rollins trip, so it evens out.)

Four days 'til Rollins.


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