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2002-06-04 - 1:40

If you go into the woods today

The weekend was low-key, but enjoyable. I spent a while hanging out with Aaron and Loralei, including a mosquito-ravaged hike through the woods on Sunday. (What woods in particular, I don't recall, but it was a decent drive to get to them. I'm sure that Loralei can refresh my memory with the name.) Despite the insect attack, that was a fun outing.

Other than that, the weekend wasn't too notable; but it was still fun. Oh, I threw together a mix CD for myself the other day--more bouncy than the last couple of moody ones that I made. This one is more suited for this summer's New York road trip.

Today was very productive at work. I broke out of a semi-slacker mode and got a lot done. It probably helped that I was working on something fun. I'm actually looking forward to heading in tomorrow to wrap up what I was working on this afternoon.

I'll be heading in late, though, since I have a meeting with a lawyer tomorrow to hammer through some more paperwork with the house. So far, the mortgage guy and the realtor have been fun to deal with; so if the lawyer is cool, it will have been a painless process the whole way through. After I'm finished with the lawyer, I should know everything that remains to be done in the eight weeks before I take possession.

In the meantime, I'm sure that all will be busy. This week is already filling in. Wednesday is Frankie's birthday, so presumably those who are supposed to be planning something will figure out said plan tomorrow. Saturday, I'm off to Montreal for the Beth Orton concert, bussing there and back on the same day. Then Sunday is my birthday, which will likely be met with the now-traditional Chinatown supper. After seeing both of the large restaurants booked with weddings last year, maybe I'll actually reserve something this time around.

So, lots on the go. Considering that I need to get up early for the appointment tomorrow (the exact location of which is somewhat fuzzy to me), I should wrap up this entry and get some sleep.


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