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2002-07-04 - 2:31

Baboons on the wire

Go see The Powerpuff Girls Movie. You'll laugh, you'll cry . . . it's the feel-good story of the year. And it's got monkeys like crazy. Fantastic!

The heat wave continues; and it has slightly slowed down my already modestly ambitious plans for this week off. Well, I have cleaned up a little bit and I'm starting to get together that which is apart; but my pace is even slower than usual.

On the other hand, stretching out in front of a fan is conducive to reading. In the past few days, I read through Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit and half of Septuagenarian Stew. Since I'm about to move very close to a giant bookstore, it's only a matter of time before I get my hands on every available Bukowski book. No complaints about that thought.

Hopefully, it'll cool off a bit for the rest of the week, so I'll be more inclined to actually move. Otherwise, I'll still be here hiding from the sun, waiting for someone to buy me the Mojo Jojo guitar.


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