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2002-09-06 - 3:07

Quick week

Even considering the fact that it was shortened by a holiday, this week has flown by amazingly quickly. Yesterday, I had Greg and Kelly over for supper (already a weekly tradition in the new house); today we all went to Steve's for a barbecue; and I think that Aaron is popping over for supper tomorrow. So, I can't say that moving into my own place is eliminating human contact.

I did some more monkeying around on my web site--now I'm actually caught up on my month-old pictures. Impressive, I know.

Other than that, I've just been continuing to go through the pile of books that I bought a couple of weeks ago. I think that after this many books in the Garrett, P.I. series, Glen Cook could coast on characters alone; but I think that he has pulled out another interesting story. Give me another day to see how it all comes together.


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