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2002-11-11 - 3:59


This is rather late, even by my standards. Hopefully, work remains relaxed tomorrow.

I slept in extra late today, making up for the fact that I went to bed last night with a headache. It was either that or I was tired from actually doing work around the house yesterday. Raking leaves from my lawn and ripping them out of my gutters . . . my, I feel like such a homeowner.

I did follow that excitement with a get-together at Greg and Kelly's, which was a lot of fun until the arrival of the aforementioned headache.

Today was slack; but who would have failed to predict that fact? I did finally add my Phoenix pictures to my web site. If you're a fan of repeated pictures of rocks and cacti, you're in for a treat.

I have other thoughts that should make it into this journal one of these days; but I won't be starting to chronicle them at 4:00 AM.


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