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2002-11-15 - 1:35

Fast times

I like it when the boss is fasting; he lacks the energy to work himself into a rage. Although, I must admit, it just doesn't feel right without all the screaming. Heh.

Actually, this week has flown by. Tomorrow should be fun, since everyone from work is getting together for supper. I couldn't think of any main courses that I felt like contributing, so I ended up handling dessert, which gave me the excuse to start baking again.

As long as other people were filling that role at the townhouse, I was content to mooch; but now I've been forced to be self-sufficient again. (Well, excluding visits to see Loralei or Kelly; but I can't be expected to give up my mooching ways entirely, right?) Of course, barring company, I'm also obligated to eat everything that I make, so any hardcore desserts are a challenge; but I'm willing to face such adversity and risk my slim, girlish figure.

In theory, I should have some company this weekend. Flett may be coming over tomorrow to satisfy "a hankerin' to play some skiffle music on the guitars"; and Loralei could be popping over on Sunday for supper. Human contact is a good thing.

I read a good article in the X-Press about audiences in Ottawa showing a strong presence at the hip-hop shows. I had been thinking that the crowd at Atmosphere was one of the best that I had seen at an Ottawa club; and it's good to hear that opinion echoed. I used to only expect a good reaction in this town from the punk contingent, so any signs of improvement are welcome. Hopefully, we can get some more quality shows booked here in the future.


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