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2002-11-17 - 1:56


Breaking with weekend tradition, I was actually productive today. I have quite a few things in mind that I want to get done on the house in the near future and today's mission was stripping wallpaper from the computer room. There shall be no more stars staring back at me as I type.

Okay, there are still glitter speckles on the ceiling; but who could object to those?

I want to fix up this room and the spare bedroom; and I'm also still in need of some bookshelves and a TV/stereo stand. After I paint these rooms, I'll also be able to hang up the paintings and pictures that have been sitting on the floor since I moved in three months ago. I get around to these things eventually.

In between exciting bouts of clawing at wallpaper, I had Flett over for the first barbecue that I've had in ages, as well as the first guitar session that I've had in ages. I also made him listen to The Dears' Protest EP, since, by law, I must push new music on Colin every time that he comes through the door.

Speaking of new music, I keep forgetting to mention my excitement over reading that the next Bad Seeds album will indeed by out in February. The only downside is that the band is apparently not touring for it.

Being an optimist, though, I'll choose to interpret that fact as a sign that if the next Neubauten release comes in April, as hoped, Blixa will be free to tour with EN.

Hmm . . . now I already have hope for the upcoming year.


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