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2003-01-13 - 2:28

Monkeys have taken control

I have now experienced my proudest moment as a homeowner, when a foray into a previously-unexplored, obscure corner of one of my cupboards revealed this:

Yes, from this moment forward, I can say with all sincerity that I own a Monkey Mug. Life is good.

Apart from that . . . hmm. No, actually that's it. I'm starting to suspect that one of the side benefits of keeping the schedule of a semi-normal human being would be the ability to not sleep through entire weekends.

Presumably, the next step would be acting on that theory, although, traditionally, such transitions have not been my strong suit. You might recall that my last journal entry to feature a monkey picture was accompanied by my realization that I needed glasses; and it was ten days shy of a year before I actually owned a pair.

So what I'm saying is: normal sleep patterns be damned--I have monkeys!


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