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2003-01-29 - 0:31


Work remains crazy. The project that I'm on now is probably the most fun work that I've had in a while, but it's a killer time crunch. It was also a rough week to just sit down and get things done, since we have some people visiting the office from Japan for training (and other distractions popping up). It's too bad that the scheduling wasn't different on that, since a lot of days, I'd enjoy the distraction of having some people here.

I did get a bit of a laugh out of the visitors reaction to the weather--I'm thinking that Japan isn't quite as cold as Ottawa has been this week. Heh. I would have liked to go out for supper with that crew tonight, since they're flying out tomorrow; but I thought that I had better keep grinding away.

Hopefully, things will wind down near the end of the week. I think that the project is well under control, so I'm expecting the workload to smooth out soon. If nothing else, I know that I'll have the weekend to relax, with the Toronto trip.


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