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2003-02-08 - 1:00

Made it

After a final scramble on Wednesday, the remainder of the work week was fairly slack, which was good, since the past two weeks had been quite demanding. After the Toronto trip and the Buck show and lots of extra hours at work, I'm thinking that tomorrow will be my sleep recovery day. The last two days were rather sluggish.

Winterlude is in full swing now, so I'm hoping to get downtown on Sunday to check out the ice sculptures. That competition is one of the few redeeming qualities of the Ottawa winter, so I'd say that I should check it out again this year.

By that reasoning, I really should break down and buy some skates, to take advantage of the canal. One of these years, I'm sure . . . heh. In the name of scientific curiosity, if nothing else, I should at least try to find out if I can still even stay upright.

Oh, and the word is that Buck's return to the capital comes on April 24, meaning that the date does not conflict with the Dirty Three or Yo La Tengo concerts.

April's going to be a good month.


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