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2003-02-11 - 1:41

Ice and snow

So, I did make it downtown to check out the ice sculptures on Sunday. Flett and I got there as the sun was going down, so I got to take a few pictures after they turned on the lights. If the weather stays cold enough for the sculptures to remain intact, I wouldn't mind taking some pictures in daylight, too, like I did last year.

I was also thinking it might be fun to go back and walk around with an evil grin, carrying a big bag of rock salt. Perhaps that is frowned upon, though.

Either way, I'll get around to adding the best pictures to my (recently quite neglected) web site. I still have a couple of concert reviews to add there, as well.

Tonight wasn't going to be the night for writing, though, since I spent all day working on a document. Since Greg took off for Banff, I got to take on the task of finishing his project, which involved fixing up a massive report. I think that I'm one of the few programmers who doesn't hate documentation, though, so that wasn't bad. The odd quiet day of writing here and there is fine by me.

It was a fun day to not have a ride home, since the blowing snow was insane. We had to keep squinting up the road to tell if any of the oncoming headlights belonged to a bus. Then again, it's apparently 21 below right now, so it could have been worse.

New Nick Cave tomorrow . . . and there was much rejoicing. And the week after that sees the latest releases from Cat Power and the Dirty Three. The two Cat Power songs that I've heard (from her web site and the Matador site) have me expecting great things from that album. I don't think that I really need anything extra to get me psyched for Nocturama.


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