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2003-02-24 - 2:00

Shadows have shadows

Did I mention recently that I hate snow? After a few warm days earlier in the week that had been hinting at spring, having to shovel out from a foot-deep dumping of snow is a step backwards. Ah well. Between that and the hoppin' and boppin' at the show, at least I got some exercise this week.

The Eyedea & Abilities Tour Mix CD that I was mentioning has me psyched for their next official album. Tour Mix has three songs from that release, including one absolutely killer track. After that concert, I've had to raise my already high opinion of the duo.

One thing I'll say for the guys in the underground hip hop scene is that they're willing to tour to often-neglected cities. Judging by the crowd reactions at last night's concert and at the Atmosphere show last fall, they've certainly been making fans in Ottawa. Maybe we'll get added to Sole's tour, although it's currently slated to stay south of the border.

Not too much was up today: sleep recovery, digging out from the storm, fixing up the other web site, mostly. I didn't get my Living Legends recap written; but I did post my reaction to the last Buck 65 show. I'm at least within one review of being up-to-date, so that's not so bad.

Oh, and today also involved continuing to go through some new CDs, of course. (There have been too many great albums coming out at once for me to absorb them all yet; but I'll keep at it.)


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