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2003-04-22 - 0:19

It's raining on my house

As mentioned, I took today off as a tradeoff for working the holiday; and it turned out to be more than a fair exchange.

After sleeping in (always a bonus) and finishing the clean-up from the barbecue, I made my way downtown, where I met with Laurie for some CD shopping. (I picked up the new Dears, which I hadn't had a chance to snag yet, although I did hear it in the car during the last Montreal trip that I made with Aaron.)

Afterwards, Laurie came over, so I got to give my house tour again and barbecue the kabobs that I had left over from yesterday. Good times, always. I'm still feeling very glad that I had the good luck recently to have met her. We've been getting along great; and I have to praise anyone whose eyes don't glaze over when I reach the conclusion of my tour: the CD collection. Heheh.

The concert blitz is rolling to a conclusion this week: tomorrow is Jurassic 5 in Montreal and Thursday is the Buck 65/Julie Doiron gig. Not a bad run in April, I must say.

Okay, time to get myself back on my normal work schedule, such as it is.


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