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2000-06-06 - 13:11:52

Holy cow

Yesterday was Frankie's birthday, so he came by after work for a little barbecue. I fired up T-bones for him, Aaron, and myself. As Colin would say, not too shabby, despite the fact that the butcher talked Frank out of going for a 30+ ounce steak. We were a little late getting things going, so he had to take off after supper; but it was cool to get together for a bit. I guess that since I have a birthday coming up on Friday, we'll do something for that. I don't know if I can handle more steak, though. (I thought I'd never hear myself utter those words.)

Today is a rare goof-off day at work. To celebrate the recent release of our software package, everyone is heading out for the day. Free food, maybe some sports if the weather gets a little nicer. It should be fun.

Also on the topic of work, I just found out that somebody else is leaving the group. After Amy's quiet departure, Muhammad is leaving for another department in the company. There is definitely more money to be made elsewhere, so it might be hard to keep the group intact. Hopefully, we'll all get a few more bucks and everyone'll stay happy. I have a lot of respect for the team, so I wouldn't want to see too many people leave.

On a personal note, I think that after I wrap up my current project by the start of July, I might talk to Steve about getting a raise. That'll mark six months since I started (wow, it doesn't seem like that long); and I think it'll be good timing to reassess things. We'll see. In any event, as I always said at the casino, "it's only money."

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