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2000-06-16 - 04:30:06

Is it really real or what?

So, after telling Bis yesterday that I'm in by 8:30 every day at work, and that I have been for months, of course I proceeded to sleep in this morning. The alarm went off at 7:00 and I shut it off, as I always do before taking ten minutes to get up . . . and I immediately fell back asleep.

I take some solace in the fact that in the dream that followed, I was doing my best to get ready for work. I remember shaving and then trying diligently to get to a shower, despite the fact that I was in some bizarre sci-fi/video game type building with something nasty out to kill me. Tayze was there for some reason, too. I can't recall it very well now . . . suffice it to say that when I woke up, it was 10 to 8, so I was a bit behind schedule.

So, dreams were the topic of the day. Greg told me that he had a recurring dream for about a week that he had killed someone and was holed out in his house. Then, a year later, he had a recurring dream that picked up just after the first, when the cops had found him and surrounded the place. That was the first time that I had heard of a dream having a sequel, let alone having it a year later.

As a general rule, I very rarely remember my dreams. I think that my most interesting dream experience was about a year and a half ago. First, I had a dream that Kim and I were in this house and someone was chasing us both with a knife. Then, the next night, I dreamt about her again. This time, we were both in jail and in that dream I told her, "Hey, I had a dream about you last night." Weird.

The oldest dream that I remember is one in which I was in the water (the lake? the ocean?) on a very black night and I was slowly drowning. There was nothing preventing me from swimming; but for some reason, I wasn't putting up a struggle. The strangest part is that people were standing around watching me drown without reacting. I remember waking up from that one pissed off that nobody was helping.

I talked it over with Aaron a few minutes back and we both agree that capturing and broadcasting dreams would be the ultimate in voyeurism. Forget webcam; it's dreamcam, baby--think of the unpredictable entertainment value in that.

In other news, work is still kicking ass. Also, several CD shipments arrived at once yesterday, so I have a lot of new music to sort through. So far, I can say that the new Einst�rzende Neubauten release, Silence Is Sexy is excellent and Congo Norvell has also caught my attention.

More listening, more dreaming, and more writing to follow.


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