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2000-09-07 - 0:02

Brains for brunch

Two days of work before vacation . . . yeah, I'll admit to counting the days now.

Today was fairly straightforward; but, unfortunately, tonight's barbecue plan fell apart. First, Colin wasn't able to make it, then we missed making it to the store before it closed by five minutes. D'oh. Ah well, at least it was cool hanging out with Frank, Adeline, Steven, and the roommates.

I think that I must have everything on hold pending the vacation, because not a lot has been going on. Yesterday's highlight was The Misfits box set arriving. I still can't believe that I actually bought that. That is some of the goofiest music I've ever heard . . . I love it. Heheh.

It's even better because I had Greg highlighting their best material ever since we became friends. I couldn't go outside to keep him company on his smoke breaks without hearing a moving rendition of "Braineaters," "Rat Fink," or his apparent personal favourite, "Teenagers From Mars." Too much. Work just isn't the same these days, although I've been too busy to pay attention to the change.

Speaking of Greg, I finally got an e-mail back from him today. The other highlight of recent days is that I went on an e-mail binge, trying to catch up with some people. It has been cool hearing from Greg, and Joe, and Jen. I'll have to get it out of my system now; because I don't think I'll be using my e-mail account while I'm away.

As I said, not too much is on the go; but that's okay. I'm two days of work, one soccer game, and (hopefully) one camera purchase away from getting the hell outta here . . . not too shabby.


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