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2000-09-21 - 5:52


I've discovered that given two weeks off, my sleep pattern will revert to its chaotic state . . . too many nights spent staying up until 7:00 or 8:00 AM had me a little fried lately. (Yes, it's almost 6 as I'm writing this; but I'm getting close to the end of the vacation now, so I can sleep-dep it until I'm back home.)

The main drwaback in staying up so late is that when you inevitably sleep in until 2:00 in the afternoon, it doesn't leave a lot of daylight to play with. So, as far as actually getting back outside and doing something, Monday was somewhat of a write-off. Ah well. It was still cool to hang out with the brother.

I made an effort to get up earlier on Tuesday, though, and it worked out well. I spent the early part of the day with John and Kelly, while they were in preparation for their Wednesday shindig. We popped over to see Warren, and he ended up coming with us for groceries. He's good for a laugh, although I don't know if he strictly needed to ask that elderly British couple for their advice on crackers. Heheh.

After that, I took the bus to the hoodoos, some cool looking rock formations. I decided to hike back home, since it wasn't too far. It was fun following the river back towards the same spot where John, Griff, and I ended up on my second day here. Unfortunately, daylight was dwindling, so I had to bail for the highway before I made it all the way back.

No, I wasn't quite dumb enough to get caught in the woods at night; although it was getting a little sketchy while I was scrambling back to the road. Anyway, it was great to get outside again, even if I did underestimate the walk. (I was quite happy to finally make it home.)

Today (yes, I know it's Thursday now; but until I go to bed, I'll consider it one day) I went downtown for a while. I was partly checking out the town and partly shopping. I ended up with a couple of shirts, a guitar string, and a bottle of barbecue sauce (the best in the west, as claimed on the label). That's fairly light, considering the gift shops per block around here; but, apart from Jen, I didn't have anybody asking me to bring back souveniers.

Tonight was the big supper: Kelly and John invited about 15 people over and they prepared quite a feast. It was cool to see Griff and Warren and some of the other people I've been hanging out with for the last week and a half and to meet a few new faces.

Tomorrow is my last full day in town. As expected, I have no plan; but I'm sure that I'll get outside and get into something. All I can say is that hopefully it'll snow again like it did this morning, so I'll be happier about leaving on Friday.

Actually, I don't mind the thought of heading back. The vacation has lived up to what I was hoping for it; and it'll be good to be back home. Two weeks was the right amount of time for here . . . now I just need to fill the last day and a half.


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