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2000-10-03 - 0:06

I've seen colour changed by a kiss

Those who don't realize that they're getting by on other people's hospitality eventually start to overexert that hospitality. But I know that it's not intentional, so that's all that I have to say about it.

I was thinking today about something that Jian asked me last night. It was after I met her mom (and after she told me that dating a younger guy is odd in China . . . it's only a one year difference! . . . but anyway (heheh)). She asked me if any of my family or friends would have a problem with the fact that she's Chinese.

You know, until she asked that, it never occured to me that it was an issue. And I like that fact. I guess that because I hang out with intelligent, educated people, I don't see race as something that anyone would get hung up on.

I see the fact that Jian is Chinese as simply another interesting characteristic about her, notable because it is a part of her life. I can't fathom why anyone would make an obstacle of race.

Maneesh and I talked about that topic for a while tonight, too. One of the reasons that I think that civilization is getting better is that I think we're moving away from racism, homophobia, and other stupid hatreds. Too slowly; but I truly believe that we are moving.

For me, to look at what went on in North America even a generation ago seems crazy now. I think that one of the advantages of the information age is that people are becoming more aware of other cultures. True, I wouldn't say that people are keeping up with world politics; but I think that people's consciousnesses are absorbing the notion that yes, there is a whole world out there. That awareness can only be a good thing.

It was cool talking to Maneesh about the topic. He has his own perspective on it, which is quite different from my own, but we agreed on a lot of points. It was probably one of our more interesting conversations.

One love,

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