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2000-12-14 - 1:24

Stay away from Pumpkinhead

Still on the late shift . . . my only time-related goal today was to make it in before the going-away lunch for Mandeep and Tim. Heh.

It's weird to think that it's almost the end of the year and that people are leaving. It definitely won't be the same at work without Pumpkinhead around. It was so much fun in there earlier this year, when I could go hang out with Greg and Mandeep, and when the full crew was still intact. The place just doesn't have the same vibe anymore. I still have a lot of respect for everyone in the group; but things are not what they once were.

Hmm . . . I was going to write more tonight; but really, that's it. Just more people saying goodbye, with more departures due soon.


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