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2000-12-21 - 1:42

Quiet days

So now I have the top floor to myself, for a couple of days. It's down to two in the townhouse. Maneesh didn't leave too early this morning, which was cool, because it meant that I got to say goodbye to him and Parag. Aaron, Scott, and I went out for supper last night, so it was good to have some kind of official goodbye for the Manseed, too.

It was a pretty quiet day after he left. Mostly all that I did was clean the place. If I lived by myself, I'd definitely keep things a little neater; but with four of us, it's harder to keep up. Not that it's ever too messy; but I'd be more orderly. After all, cleanliness is next to godliness; so if you're an atheist, that's the best you can do.

So I spent today straightening up, with the stereo going non-stop. Not too shabby. See . . . give me time to myself and occasionally I'll be productive. I even decided to put up the few Christmas decorations that are kicking around this place; so it looks half-stylin'.

Tomorrow, I'll have to get my things together for my flight home on Friday. Once again, with Aaron working, it'll be pretty quiet in the day; but I've been trying to organize something for tomorrow night with a couple of friends. We'll see how that shakes down.

Admittedly, I have little to say this time. I've just been on cruise control, waiting for my trip home; so there isn't much excitement. But, since the vacation is two days away, I'm happy.


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