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2001-02-12 - 12:24


It's a rare morning entry for me . . . I stayed up so late talking last night that I ran out of energy for writing. And, by morning, I mean noon. (It's going to be a shame to give up this schedule.)

On the concert front, everything came together well. I snagged fifth row tickets for the Rollins spoken word gig in Toronto; and Liam picked up fourth row tickets for Nick Cave in San Francisco.

I am definitely looking forward to both of those shows. Hank, of course, is God; and I've had Cave as number one on my must-see-live list for a long time now. And, of course, another trip to San Fran will be excellent.

I hooked up with the Doctor the other night to see Traffic and talk about work. Wow, I loved that movie! Great acting, interesting ideas . . . very kick-ass. Hmm . . . the last two movies that I really enjoyed were about drugs (Traffic and Requiem for a Dream).

The other fun in the theatre was hearing people talk about me while I was waiting for Dr. J in the lobby. Everybody loves my green hair, I tell you. At least, I think that's what they were saying. Heheh.


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