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2001-03-14 - 3:02

The standard turnaround

Feeling better today. Given how late I went to bed, I can't even say that I really slept in. Aaron, Jian, and I went out for lunch, which was cool.

After that, it was mostly reading. I'm reading technical papers for work, trying to come up to speed on everything. It still feels a little strange to be back working, especially since I'm doing my own thing at home.

Apart from that, I've also been reading Hagakure, which arrived in the mail yesterday. Yeah, that's still the aftereffects of watching Ghost Dog. It's certainly an interesting read, but a quick one; I'll finish it before I go to bed tonight.

And I'm in the middle of a Robin Hobb trilogy that was recommended to me by my brother John. My stopover in Toronto was enough to get me through the first novel; and I'm sure that my upcoming third (!) California trip will eat up a good chunk of what I have left.

I'm still surprised to think that I'm going back to San Francisco so soon. My second trip was unplanned when I committed to this journey. Not that I'm regretting it . . . Nick Cave in concert! I'm so psyched already! That will be a highlight among some stellar recent concerts.

And, of course, this Friday is the Toronto stop for the Rollins spoken word tour. Even though I saw the San Diego show so recently, I'm looking forward to catching a second take with Colin, Aaron, and Richard. I gave A Rollins in the Wry another listen last night, with Aaron and Jian; and that has me ready for the show.

Lots on the go lately . . . can't complain.


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