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2001-03-15 - 3:14

Goodbye, student loan payments

What day can't be summarized with an apt Simpsons quote or two? As per the title, yes, I am now debt free. The severance payoff came today; and I knocked out my federal and provincial loans. I had this plan in mind since the layoff. Actually, I made sure to pay Liam for my Nick Cave ticket while I was in San Fran, just so that I would be able to declare myself truly debt free. Heh.

Alternate Simpsons quote for this entry's title: That seems very noisy and expensive. After I got home from the bank, Flett popped in and asked if I was ready to go guitar shopping. Oh yeah!

As usual, I am an easy shopper; and I walked out happy. I picked up a nice Yamaha electric and an Ibanez amp. The guitar is a black batwing-bodied beast (SGB500B, if you're interested). It and the amp are certainly enough for my purposes for now.

I had a lot of fun playing around with it for the first time. In fact, I added a couple of pictures of me playing it to my Jambalaya site, starting here. I'm sure that I'll get lots of enjoyment from my new axe in the days to come.

In other music news, word is that Ozzfest is coming to Toronto this year, so I already have another concert to anticipate. It'll be amazing to see the mighty Sabbath for a third time, although that makes the whole Last Supper tour somewhat of a misnomer. I have a mixed reaction to reports that Sabbath is readying a new studio album with the original line-up. I'd hate to see the legacy of their original work tarnished in any way.

As you could probably guess, I've been in a great mood today. I can't wait to get back at my guitar tomorrow. Life is most certainly good.


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