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2001-04-06 - 4:18

Back to the here and now

It was nice to come back to reality today. The previous few days I can only describe as surreal. I can't really explain, since it was essentially other people's lives with which I happened to be intersecting, because of a common link. It's not my story to tell.

At any rate, today involved no 2:30 AM phone calls, no ridiculous accusations from people I don't know, and none of the general nastiness and oddness that was the start to the week. Oh, and I didn't wake up in the middle of the night, dreaming about dumping bodies into pools of lava. Heh.

Instead, it was a normal day of work, playing guitar, cleaning up a bit, listening to some new tunes, and playing Black & White. On the work front, it's looking more and more like my friend Greg is going to come into the fold with the company I joined. He was a co-op with us at the old job, and he's about to finish his degree. It would kick ass to work with him again, since he's a great worker and also the best friend I ever made at work. I've been thinking about the situation shaking down like this since my job was just a theoretical possibility.

Speaking of co-op terms, it's almost the end of another, which means that Oak will be taking off soon. Since three of us are full time now, the school calendar has less impact; but it still involves some turnover. I think that Greg's old roommate, Ian, might be taking the vacancy, which would be cool.

I've been giving my many recent CD acquisitions a lot of listens. I am now so in love with Yo La Tengo. (Not that I wasn't already; but it's even more true lately.) Having seen Nick Cave, I'd have to say that Yo La Tengo is the new number one on my must-see-them-live list. (I'm going to be in trouble when Takako Minekawa moves to the top of the list and I'm obligated to fly to Japan.) I'm also still very psyched on Will Oldham (aka Palace, Bonnie Prince Billie). "Riding" has been stuck in my head for a few days.

Oh, on the subject of concerts, I plan to make up my mind very soon about whether I'll fly to Halifax in two weeks to see The Dears. I suspect that I will. Flights are cheap, it'd be cool to see home again for a weekend, and the tour-shy Dears got some amazing reviews from their last concert. We'll see.


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