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2001-06-06 - 2:20

"But it's not . . ."

The three of us from work went out for lunch again today, which proved to be interesting. The other guys tried to surprise me with happy birthday wishes . . . an attempt that certainly succeeded, since they were four days early. "Wha?!" Heheheh.

I started to protest, but I realized that it would be better for all concerned if I just went along with it. (They had ice cream and singing waiters and the boss was using my own camera against me.) They got a laugh out of it later, when I did explain that they were jumping the gun. Anyway, it was certainly a nice thought; and it worked out better this way, since the boss will be away on business on the real date.

After that unexpected humour, the rest of the work day was quite productive. I got home just in time to meet up with Frankie, who, oddly enough, was celebrating his birthday. (Well, it's not odd that he was celebrating, but it was funny after the fake birthday incident. You know what I mean.) It was fun getting a few people together for supper.

The conversation during dinner lingered on the topic of people dropping work and moving out of the country. One guy is leaving at the end of the year to spend six months in Asia. Very cool. I just need to convince Liam to join me in the pact that I've been proposing. We name a date that's a few years down the road, and when it arrives, we quit work, drop everything, and hit the jungle. I was even willing to allow an exemption in the unlikely event of marriage. That sounds like a workable plan, right?


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