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2001-06-25 - 1:49

Some kinda hate

Someday I need to go through this journal and see how many entries I have describing days when I couldn't stomach human contact. I don't remember really having that feeling before the last couple of years. Now I have days like that more often than I would like. Yesterday was another.

Sometimes I think that I should find my own place to live, so that I can have solitude when I want it, without having to make an effort to hide. Since I prefer living in a townhouse or something like that, rather than an apartment building, though, it'd be difficult to find a place to rent for just myself. And I do enjoy having Nick and Aaron as roomies . . . usually. So maybe I'll just have to deal with the days when I can't deal with people.

Today I was more upbeat. Colin came by and we spent a long time playing guitar, which was great. I added the Misfits' "Some Kinda Hate" to my songbook today. Very fun. (Well, I got two-thirds of it, anyway . . . I didn't get the last part straight yet.)

I also finally put together my Philadelphia trip pictures. They aren't my best, since rain took away several potential pictures, but they're okay.

Not too much else was up today. The rest of the day was a typical Sunday of going for groceries, taking care of a few things around the house, and firing up the barbecue.

Oh, and milkshakes. No weekend can be too bad if it ends with a nice milkshake before bed.


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