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2001-07-03 - 0:51

Bodies need their rest

Today was my recovery day from the weekend. Unlike most of the city, I didn't have a hangover to contend with (being straight edge and all); but three nights of getting home past 3:00 AM did wear me down.

I took the time to assemble my Canada Day pictures. Since these are mainly pictures of friends, they're probably not so exciting if you don't know the people; but you can check out my new mohawk.

I think that I received my first hateful feedback for the mohawk tonight. At least, I assume that was the source of the reaction. People driving down the road don't usually honk their horn and yell out to someone on the sidewalk, "Fuck you, you fucking faggot!" Classy. Fortunately, I wasn't taken up on my offer for the guy to come back. With my massive 140-pound frame, my response of flipping the bird was as good as it was likely to get for me, anyway. Heh.

Unfortunately, I also had some venom pushed at me today from someone who actually matters. I don't want to detail it here; but I have to say that it bothers me that someone with whom I have been good friends is suddenly bitterly upset with me and I have no idea why. Curious.

Hmm . . . I think that this entry makes it seem like the day was all negative; but that wasn't really the case. It was just a very low-key day of resting up after a few fun nights. I think that I'm set now for my week off, although it's looking less likely all the time that I'll be travelling. But with a giant watergun fight scheduled for downtown next weekend, why would I want to be anywhere else?


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