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2001-07-06 - 2:43

Thanks for mutton

Yes, it's a slow week for updates . . . because I've been doing nothing. My workplace shut down for the week, so theoretically, I could have cooked up some grand plan for my time off. However, after spending the May long weekend in Houston, taking off to Philly for a weekend in June, and having lots on the go around Canada Day, it feels good to just take it easy. It doesn't make for good journalling, but I'm enjoying it.

Actually, although I said that I was off this week, I did spend Tuesday meeting with the crew from work. I'm also finishing off some writing before Monday. Knowing that I could have some things on the go for work is another reason for my lack of travel. I figure that it's a fair trade, since I'm taking two days off later this month for my Area: One/Ozzfest excursion.

So, no big excitement to report: a little guitar, a little reading, and an unusually excessive amount of time on my computer. It's enough to keep me content this week.


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