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2001-07-09 - 3:23

Late shift

Yes, a week off shifts my schedule by about four hours. Waking up tomorrow morning will be sketchy. Fortunately, I don't have the kind of job where hours are that important. As long as I don't have a meeting or any other time responsibility, it really only matters that I get the work done.

Speaking of which, I finally started working on the document that I planned to do this week. Maybe 10:00 PM on Sunday wasn't the best time to start. Actually, it wasn't strictly procrastination. As I've mentioned before, I really do need to be in the right frame of mind to write anything that I'm happy with (for formal writing, I mean). It turned out that late tonight was such a time for me.

Since it's 3:00 AM now, though, I'll put off finishing until tomorrow. The hard part is already done. All that's left is incorporating some existing writing into what I'm doing--fitting the square peg of the boss's old writing into the round hole of my format.

Admittedly, I don't have anything too exciting on the go, if I'm devoting this much space to talking about work. It is what's fresh in my mind, though. Actually, I am somewhat excited about work in general lately. Tomorrow is the day that we finally start working from our recently geared up office. That beats working from the boss's basement or Greg's apartment, in terms of being able to really get something done.

As long as the doctor and I manage to not strangle one another at work, life will be good. Heheh. The square peg/round hole deal extends further in our personalities; but I think that it all works out for the best. It's definitely a cooler workplace than I'd find anywhere else. Who else has a boss who tells you that customers shouldn't mind if you have a mohawk or who calls you at night wanting you to name six sports teams whose name doesn't end with "s"?

Okay, just to fit in some non-work issues here, I officially let the landlord know today that we'd all be staying here for another four month term. Frank is taking the opening when Ray goes and joining the three regulars (Nick, Aaron, and I). We had talked about finding another place (and I had thought about getting my own spot); but I'm content to chill here until the end of the year.


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