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2001-07-11 - 2:09

Inflatable Buddha prop

I continue to take amusement from the searches that lead people to my web pages. Among the latest odd searches that took people here: "bootmobile," "big money big prizes i love it," and "why does canadian milk come in bags?" I don't know the answer to that one, either . . . I always buy the cartons.

My home page drew visitors on the hunt for "catfight party," "dirty dingus mcgee," "suck a camel's ass," and (my favourite) "inflatable buddha prop." I'm really curious if that searcher ever found their inflatable Buddha. (I've chosen to ignore the excessive number of hits I get from people looking for head shave pictures.)

The last couple of days have been taken up with work, which has been enjoyably productive, and general slacking at home. Tonight, I went with Aaron and Loralei to Gatineau Park. The park is very nice, although cloud cover hampered my half-hearted photography efforts. I also wasn't so happy with my attempts at capturing the sunset last night. We get some cool sunsets here; but I still haven't gotten a satisfying picture.

Once again, I've managed to squander a night without taking care of (rather overdue) laundry. I'll have to be less slack tomorrow. I should also pick up some razor blades, since I think that I've decided to keep my new mohawky haircut. (I guess it's not really a mohawk until I spike it, but I don't know what else to call it.) At first, I felt like I should have been battling Mad Max for oil; but now that I've gotten used to it, I think that it suits me.

Oh, when I mentioned the new Rollins CD that I picked up, I forgot to note that he has another great breakup song on it. That always makes me laugh, since it's coming from the guy who pointed out that any Ronnie James Dio album has a minimum of three evil-woman-look-out-songs. I'll have to file the song aside for future use. Heh. (I'm due to find another girl one of these years, I think.)

As a side question, if I took a page from Buggin' You and asked any semi-regular readers to sign the guestbook, would anybody take me up on it?


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