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2001-08-13 - 1:24

Damn that horror bat

After being busy last weekend with my trip home, this weekend was nothing but slack. Sure, I got a few things done, like a bit of cleaning, but on the whole, it was very quiet.

Well, I guess that quiet isn't the right word, since I had the stereo going all the time. I was on a Lois Maffeo kick the other night. "I keep forgetting that I have to try/To quit letting life pass me by." I love her voice. People should give The Union Themes or Infinity Plus a listen.

I've also had Bj�rk on the go lately. Hopefully, everything works out for me getting tickets to her Toronto concert. That would be quite an experience, I'm sure.

I suppose that this entry is proving my point that nothing happened this weekend, since I have nothing to really write about. That's fine, though. It's good to have some time to myself to jump around the living room with the Birthday Party playing at ridiculous volume. "Release the Bats" can't help but be good for you.


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