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2001-08-19 - 2:07

All too gorgeous

Tonight was the big supper get together, with Frank treating everyone in celebration of his new job. The food was very good, as always, and it was cool to have such a large group together. I hadn't seen Victor in ages . . . not since another big supper get-together, on the night that I met Jian. (As an aside, I haven't heard from her at all lately.)

Afterwards, Frank was heading to Chapters, so I tagged along and snagged a handful of books. No, I still haven't read all the books that I have sitting around now, but I'm close to needing more. I picked up a couple of Bukowski's more highly regarded titles, Kafka's The Castle, and The Catcher in the Rye (largely because Liam liked it so much, I think). And, for laughs, I also got two books put out by The Onion. I've been meaning to get Our Dumb Century for a while now and the other was a bonus. The Onion rocks.

Apart from that excursion, I spent most of the day hanging out with the roomies, and I fit in a little guitar. I found the tabs for a couple of Will Oldham songs, including "Grand Dark Feeling of Emptiness," which is more fun to play than the title might suggest, so I'm happy.


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