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2001-08-26 - 2:13.


I spent most of today cleaning up a bit, playing more Baldur's Gate, and listening to my recent batch of CDs. Since so many CDs arrived at once, I haven't put many of them through a repeat listen. That said, I'm already loving the Sage Francis disc; and DJ Signify was very interesting, as well. Actually, almost everything that I picked up seems very cool.

After supper, I ended up heading out to the Exhibition with Greg and Kelly. Last year, I won the Whac-a-Rat game and came home with a Powerpuff Girl (Blossom, to be particular).

So, what did I do this year? Yes, go back to the same silly game. I had a horrible showing on my first attempt; but on my second, I won again. So now I have Buttercup.

I dunno. I think that a grown man has some explaining to do if he's going to have two stuffed Powerpuff Girls in his room. Kelly told me I need to find a girlfriend to give them away to; but I have to ask: how likely is a man with a burgeoning Powerpuff Girl collection to find a girlfriend? Heh.

Ah, the hell with it . . . next year, I'm going back for Bubbles.


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