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2001-10-01 - 23:49

Easy flow and a strong, strong heart

I hope that you won't be too disturbed if I confess my love; but how do you expect a guy to react to a girl who makes mix tapes? Heheh.

Yes, I got my announced surprise parcel in the mail today. Announced because I was told to be on the lookout three weeks ago, yet surprise because I had no idea what to expect. As it turned out the "small good-karma package" made my day, to say the least.

The rescued CD was certainly nice; but the mix tape is what I truly treasure. You have to appreciate someone who knows how to make a proper mix: cohesive, smooth-flowing, and time-maximizing. A few safe choices to anchor it all, with lots of selections in between that I otherwise would not have heard. I'm very impressed. There were a lot of bands that I had known only by name, but of whom I now have at least a little knowledge. (I usually judge my writing to be slipping when I see the word "whom," but I'll chalk it up to excitement and let it go.)

Two complete listens after work have left me very happy. See . . . I'm not always gloomy. Sometimes I think that the world is a very cool place and I recognize that a very simple act can make it that much cooler for someone. And it did.

Thank you.


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