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2001-10-15 - 1:01


So ends another slack weekend. Yesterday, I went to the mall to pick up the new Leonard Cohen disc and pants and ended up snagging NHL 2002 for the PS2.

Clothes shopping is painful, even when all I want to do is buy the same type of jeans that I'm wearing: same cut, same size, just a different colour. I was amused by the girl at the store arguing with me about how long my legs are. "You don't want those jeans; my legs are as tall as yours." She must have a short torso, then, since I had to look down to meet her in the eye. She was also fairly persistent about trying to sell me some shirt that was apparently "trendy." I would think that the Fishbone shirt that I was wearing, with its avert-your-eyes shade of bright orange, would be a telling sign that trendy isn't really my market, but oh well.

Since Colin is only a few minutes away from the mall, I popped over to his place and ended up staying for the rest of the day. It's always cool to hang out with him and Jaclyn.

Today, I put NHL 2002 through its paces. I'm quite impressed. I may actually get into playing a console game, for the first time in ages.

Not too much else is happening. I tried to pick up tickets for The Dears (oh, and that Sloan band, too), but my usual ticket outlet was temporarily closed. If I wasn't so slack, I would've picked them up elsewhere. Ehh. I'll try to snag some tomorrow, since I'd rather have my tickets before the Tuesday show.

Oh, and my initial reaction to Cohen's latest is positive; but, given that I've liked almost everything that he has put out in the past thirty years, that isn't such a surprise.


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