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2001-12-21 - 1:59

Want some snow, man?

Since Greg is on vacation, I lost my ride to work, which was just the opening that I needed for sleeping in. Since I have such an early flight on Sunday, I may just sleep in as late as I can on Saturday and stay awake until I leave. If so, rolling out of bed around 10:00 now is a fine start to that plan.

The absent winter, which I had been mentioning, has been less absent lately. Thankfully, it has yet to get very cold; but we are starting to see some snow. Yesterday, we finally got our company name on a sign outside our office. The boss had me taking pictures of it today to send to the head office in California; and, of course, they couldn't resist asking, "What's that white stuff on the ground?" I made the boss come outside and pose with a Santa hat for another picture.

Work was odd today, since it was only the two of us in the office for most of the time that I was there. We're working on some things together lately; and I'm having more fun than I have in a while. Today was particularly productive--we fixed one problem about five minutes before we left late tonight. It should be interesting getting it wrapped up tomorrow.

I took it easy at home tonight, reading and playing Dark Age. I also heard from both wayward roomies, who each sound like they are having a decent time on vacation. Presumably, I'll be saying the same about myself in a few days.


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