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2002-03-20 - 2:41

This world is perilous for us

There, I finally caught up on my concert reviews, recapping last week's Ozzy show and the Bad Religion concert from Saturday. If you're interested, you can read the reviews on my home page (at the bottom of the concert reviews section) or on the Tomes (here for Ozzy and here for Bad Religion). I'd say that they're decently written reviews. I've done better; but they at least express the point, which was that I had a lot of fun.

Actually, while writing the Bad Religion review, I pulled out the new CD. Damn, it sounds a lot better to me now. It's just like after I saw Rollins the first time and really got into Get Some->Go Again. That's not a bad lingering effect.

I think that I expended most of my writing energy describing the concerts. Not too much was on the go today, anyway. I put in a solid day at work, although I ended up working on something other than what I had planned. I guess that means that I still have quite a bit to do this week; but it has only been a couple of days, right?

Okay, since I don't have anything of substance to add, here's my attempt at mirth for the night. Does anyone else have to screen calls for their roommate because somebody who owns a restaurant got their number and is calling asking when said roommate is coming back to eat? I must confess that this situation strikes me as odd, yet seems somehow appropriate in a way, only because the wanted man in question is Frankie.

I dunno. I find amusement in simple sources.


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