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2002-03-24 - 2:30

Call it logical progression

I was relatively unenergetic at work this week, so I ended up putting in a few hours today to make up for it. To be more accurate, a lot of distractions came up at work, and I'd say that I did a good job with those; but I didn't get enough done on what was supposed to be my main task.

At times when I feel worn down and uninspired, my pace slows noticably. I think that I decided earlier in the week that I'd be coming in today, so I worked accordingly. The return of winter also came in to play, as I much preferred to accept a ride on Thursday than to stay late and trudge home through the snow.

Actually, I kind of like working odd hours, just for the solitude. That may sound odd, since I work with one of my best friends; but it's simply a case of enjoying an occasional dose of solitude, in any form. The perfect way to spend a perfect moment is all alone? Well, perhaps not, although there is something to that concept; and I love the song from which I lifted the line ("I Don't Rap in Bumper Stickers"). It is enjoyable to sit down with something to do, nobody to deal with, and Sole or Yo La Tengo or Rollins Band on the speakers.

As an aside, I'm seriously into Come In and Burn lately. I think that I like even more than I did five years ago, even though I hadn't listened to it in ages.

Other than work, not too much was up today. I cleaned up a little bit, making up for the fact that I haven't really had the time to do so this month; and I played some mahjongg with the roommates. Tomorrow should also be low-key, but enjoyable, since the Sunday gathering at Greg's is returning after a month-long absence.


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