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2002-05-10 - 1:16

It's little things like this that matter to me

Hey, somebody actually responded to my Beth Orton concert question with a tentative yes. That's pretty cool. I wasn't really expecting a reaction. Hopefully, that plan works out next month. Company is always a bonus on a concert trip.

So, remember, the next time that I ask, "Who's up for such-and-such," if you say yes, I'll call your bluff. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you wish to treat that statement as a promise or a warning.

Game Four was bogus. I shall speak of it no further.

Today was fairly standard: work, make it home in time to watch that event of which I am not speaking, and chill out for the rest of the night. My usual routine, lately, I suppose.

No complaints. (Well, except for the bogusosity (if you will); but I'm not talking about that, right?)


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