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2002-05-24 - 1:29

Haus der leuge

I think that I'm making an offer on a house tomorrow. I looked at four tonight and one has me very, very impressed. I shouldn't talk about it too much and set myself up for disappointment if I don't get it; but it seems to be almost exactly what I'm looking for. Unless I wake up tomorrow with the shakes, thinking about the mortgage, I'll be making an offer. (And, as I always say, it's only money; so that isn't too likely.)

Not too much else is up. I found out that my tentative company for Beth Orton won't be able to make it, after all. Ah well . . . it was still a cool offer. Perhaps another time.

Work is busy and somewhat annoying lately. Between the boss and I, at least one of us must have been feeling confrontational lately. No worries, though . . . that's nothing too out of the ordinary for us. heh.

Tomorrow should be interesting.


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