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2002-05-25 - 1:21


Holy shit . . . I think I just bought a house! Well, it's conditional on the bank lending me the money that they already said I could have and on the house passing inspection to my satisfaction--but given those facts, we're through. Craziness.

I met my realtor this afternoon and decided on an offer. I was fairly optimistic that I would hear back with good results and sometime after 7:00, she called and told me that they had a counteroffer. After that, it was just a matter of haggling over some details; and they ended up accepting my next offer. I didn't take much off their asking price; but I did get them to throw in a fridge, stove, washer, dryer, and freezer that weren't in the original description. No complaints, I'd say.

Needless to say, I'm pretty psyched about all of that. I was talking to the folks about the house, last night when it was still a plan, and tonight after it came through. I got a bit of a reaction from my mother about the numbers; but that's how the market is. Of course, my mother also accurately guessed that I hadn't bought a new pair of shoes in two and a half years; so I'll admit that I'm inconsistent about money. Heh.

Actually, I've saved a lot since I started working, and I've long since paid off a fifteen thousand dollar student loan; so I'm not exactly bad with money. I'll admit that a mortgage is a bit to think about; but I'm comfortable with it. As long as work stays stable, I have no concerns; and I'm not too fearful there. There is no reason why they would cut just me and if anything ever shook down with the whole operation, I would follow the boss again. (And it would violate some fundamental laws of the universe for him to not be working.) So, I'm confident with where I am now and with my ability to deal with any unlikely future implosions, akin to what happened with my old company.

Blerg. Am I talking about money on here? Well, I guess you can excuse it in this context. The point is that I'm not too stressed about the mortgage, although I will be looking to kill it as quickly as reasonably possible.

Anyway, I'm excited and lots of people seem to be excited for me, which is pretty cool. Actually, the best reactions were from Kelly (I called John; but he wasn't home) and Loralei. Is that some kind of female domestic thing? I dunno. I'll have to talk to the Chooch, too. (It was a bit late by the time I got done yapping with everyone else. I'm a little more talkative when I'm excited.) Hell, I still haven't seen the house that he picked up at the end of last year.

Oh yes, I didn't really describe the house yet, did I? Well, I'm sure that it'll be on my mind for future entries. In fact, you'll all be sick of reading about the damned house soon enough. Sometime before that stage, though, I'll give the details. For now, just trust me when I say that it kicks much ass.

Craziness, I say.


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