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2002-08-28 - 0:50

I'll be around

Who wants to go to Montreal with me on September 27 to see Neko Case? Come on; you know that you do. It's a Friday night show, so it'll be a piece of cake. And Blacklisted is well deserving of all the praise that it is receiving. Oh, and just this second, I looked and found out that tickets are available online, so I'm all set. Speak up quickly.

I am somewhat miffed that Ottawa doesn't show up on the tour. Regina and Saskatoon, which combine for less than half the population of Ottawa-Hull, make the cut, but we don't? I am cursed to live in a musically weak city. Besides, if the claim on the Mint Records site is true, and Neko truly is looking forward to meeting future ex-husbands on tour, she really oughta be coming my way.


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