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2002-10-28 - 2:48

Part animal, part machine

I was discontent tonight. Then I got a phone call at 1:00 AM, telling me that Henry Rollins was on TV. Have you seen the Full Metal Challenge? Oh my. Hank is beyond cheesy on that one . . . it's perfect.

So now I am amused.

Since I got back to Ottawa, it has been rather hectic. My first day of work after getting back in town lasted about fourteen hours. Friday was also busy, although less time consuming. Today, the boss got me out of bed and I went in again.

I don't mind, since it was the right thing to do--we had flown Greg to the customer and when things weren't working, we weren't going to hang him out to dry. Nonetheless, it is a burn-out.

On the plus side, the absence of Greg left Kelly with a surplus of food, which I mitigated by scamming two free suppers in the past three days.

I also got together with Flett on Saturday, which got the obligatory viewing of Jackass: The Movie out of the way. My favourite review so far came from Frank Swietek: "What's ultimately most repulsive about Jackass, besides how vulgar and mean-spirited it is, is the fact that there's an audience out there that enjoys it. Surely its popularity is apocalyptic, in the biblical sense."

It's good to feel that I'm supporting something special.


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