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2002-12-06 - 2:25


Richard is kicking around the city for a couple of days, so I got together with him tonight after work. I had him over to see the house and decided to stay in and make supper, so as to maximize CD unveiling time. What's the sense in getting together if we can't attempt to influence each other musically, right?

As always, Richard was good for some laughs. Now I just need an excuse to go see a concert in Toronto sometime, so we can hang out again. Come to think of it, the seven-months-plus since Cave is the longest that I have gone without a Toronto concert trip since I moved to Ottawa three years ago.

Speaking of travel, I don't think that I ever mentioned that my Christmas flights were booked. I'm headed home on the 21st and coming back on the 29th. Even though that's a bit shorter than the past couple of holiday trips, when I stayed for New Year's, I'm sure that I'll have a good time.


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