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2003-05-21 - 0:38

The parakeets need alcohol

So, yesterday's barbecue was good. It was the usual mellow affair: I did most of the grilling and people chilled out for a while. None of the "maybes" showed up, so there were six of us. I think that everyone had a fun time. Great weather, tasty food, a few games of Tetris (that game seems to be back in rotation again), and lots of laughs: can't complain at all.

After work tonight, I got together with Laurie and Giulia for my inaugural NTN experience. I'd say that I had a fairly respectable showing, although the big game slipped away from me as Laurie made a comeback. That was certainly fun, though. I seem to have been accepted into the trivia cabal (without having to face the Unblinking Eye or the Wreck of the Hesperus, even). I'll have to return for another round.

In other good news, my mid-June trip to Boston is booked. During the few days that I procrastinated, the price actually dropped seven bucks. That should be an interesting weekend. I'll be meeting a couple of the guys from the Blast Furnace--the ones who I've talk to almost every day for the past year.

One of the guys is in for catching the Rollins Band show with me, too. That concert should be a blast: Rollins Band and Keith Morris tearing through a Black Flag set. How cool will that be?

That will also equal three shows in four nights, with the Bad Seeds coming up on the weekend after that. June is shaping up to be a killer month, although I'm thinking it less likely that I'll be heading to Halifax the preceding weekend. We'll see how that plan goes. Things will be rocking, at any rate.


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